HTTPS certificate replacement (production)
Scheduled for Nov 14, 10:00 - 10:30 CET
During the aforementioned time interval we will rollout our new HTTPS certificates for these domains:
- *
- *

This change will not require downtime and service levels will not be affected.

The new SHA sums for the certificates are:
SHA1: 60:C6:38:AC:DD:1A:4D:E3:CC:D4:73:C6:59:B9:93:9E:D9:08:23:70
SHA256: B0:7D:85:11:72:61:6D:85:0A:61:CF:04:FD:23:BD:8A:B1:10:4F:F2:95:E8:B1:F7:6D:AA:3A:7E:C5:F1:1F:AB

Best Regards,
Your IDnow DevOps Team
Posted Oct 21, 2024 - 13:48 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affects: IDnow Solutions (Video-Ident, eSigning QES, eSigning AES, API, AutoIdent, AutoIdent QES).